On Saturday, October 06, 2012, an exchange between David
Glass and James Croft aired on the radio program “Unbelievable.” Glass is a lecturer in North Ireland, and
Croft is affiliated with the Harvard Humanist Association of Harvard
University. They were discussing Glass’ new book Atheism’s New Clothes, which is a critique of the so-called new
atheism. Croft took issue with some of Glass’ analysis, and I’ve subsequently
taken issue with some of Crofts. It rolls down hill, as they say. A great deal
of their discussion pertained to the argument from fine-tuning for the
existence of an intelligent agent behind the universe. I’ve not yet discussed
this argument, although it is a popular one among many theists, because I’m not
familiar enough with it to give it a serviceable defense, and I frankly have
some nagging doubts about its soundness. At any rate, Croft’s nagging doubts
about its soundness are, in my estimation, off-base, and here is why.